shmera phrame ba8mo0s...18.9/12 ebgala!!!!8a ebgaza kai parapanw alla mia apo tis ka8hghtries mo0 ebale 16 glwssa kai 15 keimena!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ELEOOOOOSSSSSS!!!!!!!telos pantwn omws as mn stenaxwriemai-8a paw sxoleio th deytera kai 8a thn kopanisw- dn 8a mporeite na me mazepsete!!!!!!!alla to xeirotero po0 epa8a shmera htan oti h kaluterh m filh m to ekleise sta mo0tra prin prolavw na staurwsw le3h!eniwsa eleeina!!!!!eniwsa les kai dn m eixe meinei kaneis!!!!auta gia twra adios!!!!!!!!!!
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